April 2014
Online papers in Science Direct link directly to sample metadata profiles in SESAR², making all of the metadata about the sample quickly available. When submitting a paper to Elsevier, tables with column headers “IGSN” or text with the prefix “IGSN:” will be identified and linked directly to geosamples.org. For more information please see the International Geo Sample Number section in Elsevier’s Guide for Authors.
See examples:
- Beier et al., 2018, Lithos (Table 1)
- Dere et al., 2013, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Table 2)
From the Elsevier news item:
We are delighted to highlight the ongoing cooperation with IEDA by announcing the first published papers with linked International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN). Take a look at Table 2 of this Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta paper where you can click on specific IGSN numbers and be taken directly to the sample profile held in the SESAR² sample metadata catalog at geosamples.org. By setting up links between databases and published papers, data is more accessible and discoverable, which benefits all researchers in the field.