November 2022
In October 2021, IGSN e.V. and DataCite announced a partnership to bring IGSN onto the DataCite infrastructure for global implementation and long-term sustainability.
As part of this partnership, new samples registered with SESAR will start to follow DataCite’s DOI infrastructure in January 2023, bringing changes to the current IGSN namespace structure and allocation procedure. Legacy (existing) IGSNs will remain as is and will continue to resolve to the current handle server.
Our primary services will continue to remain the same. SESAR will continue providing IGSNs through the registration process and maintain the metadata profile pages that IGSNs resolve to. In addition, SESAR will continue collecting and maintaining the extended descriptive metadata that are unique to the SESAR community.
The transition timeline and details will be available before the end of 2022. As we learn more, we will continue to update our users on the specific details impacting SESAR and our community.
In the meantime, we will be hosting a SESAR information session at the Open Science & Data Help Desk at the AGU Fall Meeting this December organized by ESIP, AGU, and their respective partners. We welcome our user community and interested parties to join us with any questions and concerns. The exact date and time have not been finalized yet, we will communicate it together with the event location as soon as we receive it.
For more information about the changes to the IGSN structure, please get in touch with DataCite at and For additional questions on SESAR sample registration services, please get in touch with us at